Roman Lammers advises and represents clients in the areas of banking law, compliance as well as in commercial and criminal tax law. He also focuses on medical law, and handles medical malpractice and medical criminal law cases.

He has provided scientific support to two special committees of the State Parliament of Lower Saxony; in 2015 a special committee on strengthening patient safety, and in 2021 a special committee on the Covid pandemic.

Between 2009 and 2014, Roman Lammers studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, with a focus on criminal and medical law. After passing his first state law exam, in 2016, he obtained his doctorate degree under Prof. Dr. Gunnar Duttge at the University of Göttingen. The doctoral thesis on a medical law topic was funded by the Johanna and Fritz Buch Memorial Foundation. Between 2015 and 2017, he completed his legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Münster, with practical stages, inter alia at Münster University Hospital and the Higher Administrative Court of Münster. In 2017, he passed his second state law exam and began working as a lawyer at law firm Streitbörger. Between 2020 to 2022, Roman Lammers completed a part-time Master's degree in medical law at the University of Münster and obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M.). He has been working for law firm Grüter since 2024.

Heßlerstraße 40
59065 Hamm

„Eilantrag gegen SPD-Mitgliederentscheid“ (Urgent motion against SPD membership vote), in: KissAkademie Rechtssprechungsübersicht, 02/2014;

„Zur Rechtmäßigkeit des Haar- und Barterlasses der Bundeswehr“ (Legality of the Bundeswehr's Hair and Beard Decree), in: KissAkademie Rechtssprechungsübersicht, 04/2014;

„Zur Reichweite der Versammlungsfreiheit auf einem Friedhof“ (Scope of freedom of assembly in cemeteries), in: KissAkademie Rechtssprechungsübersicht, 10/2014

„Leihmutterschaft in Deutschland – Rechtfertigen die Menschenwürde und das Kindeswohl ein striktes Verbot?“ (Surrogacy in Germany - Do human dignity and the child's best interests justify a strict ban?), Peter Lang Verlag 2016;

„Tabu per Gesetz“ (Taboo by law), in: Deutsche Hebammenzeitschrift 04/2018;

„§ 1631d BGB – Zehn Jahre gesetzliche Beschneidung des Kindeswohls“ (Section 1631d of the German Civil Code - Ten years of statutory curtailment of the child's best interests), in: Medizinrecht 01/2023;