Michael Seiters is a specialist lawyer for medical law and a specialist lawyer for tax law. He primarily advises and represents healthcare providers throughout Germany. He focuses on the areas of medical criminal and liability law as well as on professional and contract physician law. 

He speaks fluent English and French. 

He is a member of the German Bar Association and of the Medical Law and Tax Law working groups.

Michael Seiters studied law in Regensburg and Münster. He completed his legal clerkship in Essen, Gelsenkirchen and Münster, with stays abroad in the USA and Belgium. He passed his second state law exam in 1995. After obtaining his LL.M. degree (Master of Law), he completed a doctoral thesis on the topic: "Das strafrechtliche Schuldprinzip im Spannungsfeld zwischen philosophischem, theologischem und juridischem Verständnis von Schuld" (The criminal law principle of guilt in the field of tension between philosophical, theological and legal understanding of guilt).